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Tour Guide Systems for one- and two-way applications.

Use for factory tours, historical sites, museums, tour buses/vans, and walking tours.

Centrum Sound offers tour guide systems to help alleviate background noise and distance problems associated with guided tours in varying environments. Economically lightweight PA systems offer hands free operation and are great for smaller tour groups. Digital or FM audio systems offer superior solutions where PA amplification would be disruptive to others. At the same time FM and digital systems also fulfills the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements for hearing assistance.

DigiWave 400 tour guide system

Digital Tour Guide System for one- and two-way applications

The Williams AV Digi-Wave 400 tour guide system offers one- or two-way communication with a range up to 900 ft. It includes a wide selection of headset microphones and headphones to ensure top performance, even under the most noisy and inhospitable conditions. The Digi-Wave 400 is slim, lightweight, and simple to set up and use.
Tour Guide System TGS PRO 737 by Williams AV

TGS PRO Conventional FM Tour Guide System

The Williams AV TGS PRO 737 and TGS PRO MULTI systems helps tour group members in noisy surroundings overcome background noise - even at distances up to 150 feet away. The TGS PRO MULTI system will allow up to eight systems to operate in the same area simultaneously, with no cross talk or interference.
Anchor Audio MiniVox Lite tour guide PA system

MiniVox Lite Tour Guide PA System

MiniVox Lite is a lightweight, compact, conveniently battery-operated personal PA system. Be it for indoor or outdoor applications, it easily covers crowds of up to a hundred people and can operate for 8-10 hours on a single charge. Several optional wireless microphones styles are available.
ChatterVox 6 Personal PA system

ChatterVox 6 Personal PA System

The ChatterVox 6 PA system can cover up to sixty people even in noisy environments. The hip-worn amplifier design weighs less than two pounds and includes a black textured cover and carry case (not shown). ChatterVox 6 can operate for 8-10 hours on a single overnight charge.
TOUR-9000 Audio guide system

TOUR-9000 Audio Guide System

The Anchor Audio TOUR-9000 audio guide system is designed specifically for tour groups and is known for its ease of use and quality sound. With a range of 200 feet and operating in the quiet 902-928 MHz UHF band, it is great for indoor factory tours as well as outdoor walking tours and excursions.
ChatterVox Pro Personal PA system

ChatterVox Pro Personal Voice Amplifier

The classic ChatterVox Pro 100 body worn PA system is ideal for smaller tour groups of up to thirty-five people. The unique fanny-pack amplifier design weighs less than two pounds and can operate 14 hours on a single overnight charge. The standard headset microphone is comfortable to wear and provides convenient hand-free operation.
Old MiniVox System

Discontinued Products

Looking for a bargain, can't find the right replacement parts, or just looking for product information for an older system? We may have what you are looking for.
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